lunes, 29 de octubre de 2018

The Tenaun's Church

Well, i don't know much of architecture because it's not something that i actually care so much about, it's not one of my common topics to talk about.. In the city the buildings are practically all the same for me, so i chose an edification from the south of Chile, from Chiloé; the Tenaun's Church. I chose this church merely for its appearance. I mean, look at it. It's beautiful. I love its colours. 
Personally, i don't like the background of churches, their meaning beyond the faith, to me it only has a special value for its autenticity, the heritage that represents the community.
Now, i've only seen this church once and very fast a few years ago when i went to Chiloé with my family, we didn't have the time to get in, although all the others that we did get in weren't as cute inside as they were outside. This church it's an example of the ecclesiastical wooden architecture, which was iniciated in the 17th century by the Jesuits. Something that call my attention when i was looking for information about the church was this quote by the UNESCO that literally says this: "These churches(...) bear witness to a successful fusion of indigenous and European culture". A sentence that gives a lot to think. Personally, obviously i disagree because its known that the native people that lived here were sacked and invaded by the "conquerors" who came to impose their own beliefs and faiths. What do you think? You can comment below to discuss.

This quote can be helpful as a reminder in times where the fascism it's getting supporters all over the world and here, in our Latinoamérica, which i cannot understand. The people keep choosing and staying in the side of the powerful and you are just laying there. We can't let the fascism raise. 

1 comentario:

  1. Hello you must know the Achao church the constructure technique is unique , I know this church too, I from Chiloe thanks for recognize the heritage of my island.
