viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018

Mini holiday

Hi. This is my first post ever. I've always wanted to write a blog so this is nice.
About last week, it was "Independence" day celebration in Chile, but i'm not so into that patriotic feeling. Anyway, it's always good to reunite with the family, whatever the circumstance is. We were probably about twenty people in my house (or maybe thirty) on Saturday when my family from my mother's side went to celebrate with a barbecue and the traditional drinks from this holidays. And on Tuesday the family from my father went to our house to do the same thing that we did on Saturday, but adding some traditional games like sacos racing, throw the rope and things like that. Usually in those days i go to the National stadium with my friends but we didn't this year, which doesn't mean that i didn't go out because unlike other years i went out to party four of the seven days!! Which is a lot for me. This and other things like the fact that during the day i was mostly in my house, specifically in my bedroom with my dogs: Snowflake, The Black One and Dobby (yes, like the elf from Harry Potter), made that week very different from the other years; different but not worse because dogs in general and obviously those that are mine are one of my two favourite things in the world (the other one it's in the title).
It's good to come back to university but i miss the free time to spoil and cuddle with my dogs although we do it a little everyday. I'll let you a picture from them down here so you can see their beauty and smoothness. See ya!

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