lunes, 29 de octubre de 2018

The Tenaun's Church

Well, i don't know much of architecture because it's not something that i actually care so much about, it's not one of my common topics to talk about.. In the city the buildings are practically all the same for me, so i chose an edification from the south of Chile, from Chiloé; the Tenaun's Church. I chose this church merely for its appearance. I mean, look at it. It's beautiful. I love its colours. 
Personally, i don't like the background of churches, their meaning beyond the faith, to me it only has a special value for its autenticity, the heritage that represents the community.
Now, i've only seen this church once and very fast a few years ago when i went to Chiloé with my family, we didn't have the time to get in, although all the others that we did get in weren't as cute inside as they were outside. This church it's an example of the ecclesiastical wooden architecture, which was iniciated in the 17th century by the Jesuits. Something that call my attention when i was looking for information about the church was this quote by the UNESCO that literally says this: "These churches(...) bear witness to a successful fusion of indigenous and European culture". A sentence that gives a lot to think. Personally, obviously i disagree because its known that the native people that lived here were sacked and invaded by the "conquerors" who came to impose their own beliefs and faiths. What do you think? You can comment below to discuss.

This quote can be helpful as a reminder in times where the fascism it's getting supporters all over the world and here, in our Latinoamérica, which i cannot understand. The people keep choosing and staying in the side of the powerful and you are just laying there. We can't let the fascism raise. 

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018

La cuisine

Well, in my first post i talked about one of my two favourite things in the world: dogs, specifically, my dogs. But this post it's about the other one: la cuisine. Food. Pasta. Spaghetti, the love of my life. I love pasta. If i ever finish this career i'll go running to culinary school. Or Italy, i haven't decide it yet. Cooking for me has become more than a hobby, it started a few years ago, i don't exactly remember how but what i do remember is that i started with some lemon pie and nut cake, easy stuff like that. With time, i figured that when you get into the world of food you get really obsessed, which is what happened to me when i started to cook not only bakery stuff but when i started with pasta, pizza and the magic world of cheese and butter. It's hard to define, because when you start you see that there are no boundaries, so if you ask me what cooking and pasta is for me, i would say that it's a passion, because i love doing it, i enjoy when people eat what i make and they do that "mmh" sound and what i really love is learning how to improve the print that i leave in people in every dish i make, through the union of three of their senses: taste, smell and sight. I have to say, it's not easy. You must invest a lot of time, effort, love and care (and also money, of course). But i'm telling you, when you see your family's face after eating a pretty damn good homemade pizza, it definetly worth it.

I hope that if i ever go to culinary school, or i become proficient, i would love to have my own restaurant. By then, it probably wont be only of pasta and bakery, i hope to get way further, maybe have my own farm or somewhere to get my own products to give some food of quality. Always hope for the best.

I'll let you some of my dishes down here so maybe someday you can see the progress.

Blueberry Cheesecake

Pizza with cheese borders and garlic sticks

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018

One of my passions

Hi everyone. This post will be about one of the many things that i feel passionate about: Dance.
Dance was one of the first sports that i've ever did. I took my first class when i was like 10 years old and in that day i fell in love with Hip Hop dance and obviously its music. I danced a whole summer with great teachers that taught me a lot. Ever since i was always thinking about taking more classes because it was only for the summer and the rest of the year i didn't kept dancing. A few years later i started taking classes again because the previous years i was doing other sports and it was amazing. I was like fifteen i think which was a very good age to start dancing again because it's very easy to learn, anyway i learnt many styles: from girly, passing trough hip hop, reggaeton and bachata until dancehall which is my favourite until the end of times. To finish, dancehall is a combination of many kinds of music, it comes from Africa and the most of the steps are from Jamaica. It's a very smooth and delicious music, when you start listening to it you can never stop. You can feel it all over your body which makes so nice to dance it. It's kinda exhausting because it requires moving all the parts of your body separetly sometimes and others all together, so you gotta train a lot but once you get the move it's a feeling that uff. Indescribable. So i'll let you a dancehall song for you can meet this culture and maybe fell inlove like i did.

Mini holiday

Hi. This is my first post ever. I've always wanted to write a blog so this is nice.
About last week, it was "Independence" day celebration in Chile, but i'm not so into that patriotic feeling. Anyway, it's always good to reunite with the family, whatever the circumstance is. We were probably about twenty people in my house (or maybe thirty) on Saturday when my family from my mother's side went to celebrate with a barbecue and the traditional drinks from this holidays. And on Tuesday the family from my father went to our house to do the same thing that we did on Saturday, but adding some traditional games like sacos racing, throw the rope and things like that. Usually in those days i go to the National stadium with my friends but we didn't this year, which doesn't mean that i didn't go out because unlike other years i went out to party four of the seven days!! Which is a lot for me. This and other things like the fact that during the day i was mostly in my house, specifically in my bedroom with my dogs: Snowflake, The Black One and Dobby (yes, like the elf from Harry Potter), made that week very different from the other years; different but not worse because dogs in general and obviously those that are mine are one of my two favourite things in the world (the other one it's in the title).
It's good to come back to university but i miss the free time to spoil and cuddle with my dogs although we do it a little everyday. I'll let you a picture from them down here so you can see their beauty and smoothness. See ya!